Faith Beyond Abuse Global Initiative for Women and Girls Organization, Inc. (FBA) is a 501(c)(3) human services nonprofit organization serving women and girls globally. FBA is an advocate for the rights of women and girls and provides self-help tools, resources, information and prevention solutions that address the needs of personal, social and economical improvement for women and girls who are victims of any form of abuse and domestic violence.

As a domestic violence advocate it is our goal and mission to bring our visitors and members current resources and news as it pertains to domestic violence, dating violence, human trafficking, sexual assault, stalking or any form of violation against women and girls. Listed below is just a few of the resources we provide utilizing current technology means and that includes;

  • Help Resources and Hotline Social Support
  • Network Prayer Team and Testimonial Center
  • Current News Regrading Domestic Violence Current Statistics 
  • Self Help Resources and more!


Our goals is to be a beacon of awareness regarding global issues particularly of women and girls, to develop and facilitate engaging workshops that explore means of empowerment, the prevention of violence against women and girls and provide tools that can help the healing process as it relates to the effects of abuse.


To provide unique diverse approaches and strategies that recognize today’s social challenges, to bridge perspectives and deepen cooperation around key issues and struggles regarding the effects of abuse specifically with women and girls.


To create and facilitate life changing intervention tools that assist in the prevention of domestic violence and help victims explores the process of healing, coping and growing beyond the traumatic experiences of domestic violence.


1. We are committed to global social change regarding violence against women and girls and who believe that equality and justice are critical to furthering sustainable international well-being.

2. Through our efforts and in partnership with grassroots and other advocate entities at home and abroad we hope together to more effectively support the transformation of our world into a livable global community that is just, responsible and sustainable for all.

Pregnancy & Abuse

Deciding if and when to have a child with a partner is a big decision. Pregnancy and parenthood cause physical, emotional, financial and social changes, which can become even more challenging when your partner is abusive toward you.

If you are pregnant and in an abusive relationship, you deserve to prioritize your safety. We can help you create a safety plan and locate resources in your area, if available. Call us 24/7 at 1-800-799-7233 or chat live via this website.

Check out the blog posts below for safety planning tips, additional resources and information on pregnancy and abuse.

Staying Physically, Emotionally and Financially Safe During Pregnancy

While often portrayed as a magical, happy time, pregnancy—with the associated physical, emotional, social, and financial changes—can be challenging, even with a supportive partner in a healthy relationship. Because an abusive partner may see the unpredictability of pregnancy as an opportunity to increase power and control, if you’re pregnant it’s important to explore options to enhance your physical, emotional, financial and legal safety.

Your physical safety needs may change as pregnancy progresses; what may seem safe at one point may not feel that way a few weeks later. Getting prenatal care may be a way to maintain both your and the baby’s health during this time. It also may be a way to connect with a service provider that you can turn to if you are concerned for your safety. If you are unsure about accessing prenatal care, you may be able to get more information by contacting 211, a local resource line available in most communities. You can also sign up for Text4Baby, a free service that sends you tips about staying healthy during pregnancy up through your child’s first birthday. If you have concerns about not being insured, you may be able to get insurance through the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Survivors of domestic violence can enroll at the website at any time, using the Special Enrollment Period (SEP). For more information about this option, visit the What’s New? area of the Health Cares About IPV website.

During pregnancy, your center of gravity shifts and joints loosen to allow for easier childbirth. This can make getting around more difficult. If you live with the abuser, consider mapping the safest routes out of the home or apartment from the rooms where you spend the most time. Try avoiding rooms with weapons, hard surfaces and areas near stairs. If it is becoming difficult to drive, consider identifying some safe people that you can contact if you need transportation. Keeping cab or bus fare stowed in a packed bag may be another way to get out quickly if needed.

Protecting and maintaining your emotional energy during this time is also important and closely linked to physical safety, as stress can adversely impact your pregnancy. Creating a self-care plan is one way to achieve this. Some people use prenatal yoga, walking in nature, journaling, art or spending time with loved ones as part of their self-care. Creating social connections with other parents can be particularly important during pregnancy. is a website where you may be able to a group of parents expecting children with a due date close to yours. Other parenting and social media websites may have similar groups that you can join to find support and connection. If finding a group online doesn’t fit your needs, you could ask your healthcare provider to ask about classes or programs for expecting parents. Seeking out the support of a counselor may be an additional way to get perspective during this time. The Hotline can offer information about local domestic violence programs that offer counseling and support groups. If you’re looking for counselors that specialize in other areas, GoodTherapy is a website that offers assistance finding a local counselor, as well as articles and resources on issues that impact emotional well-being, including during pregnancy.

Pregnancy is also a time when financial and legal options begin to shift. Knowing your rights around these issues is a first step to creating a plan to protect yourself and your new child. While workplaces may differ in their support for pregnant employees, there are certain employment laws that they must follow. The Department of Labor’s Women’s Bureau has a website where you can review your rights during pregnancy and as a new parent. Some state domestic violence coalitions also have dedicated projects that offer support for protecting yourself financially. One great example is the Economic Justice Project of the Washington State Coalition Against Domestic Violence called Get Money, Get Safe, which offers general tips on banking, credit and other issues for survivors of domestic violence. Knowing your options regarding custody can also be confusing, especially if you have several plans that you are considering for both your and your future child’s safety. WomensLaw offers a wealth of legal information including custody information and parental kidnapping laws searchable by state.

Safety plans are not one size fits all. Each person has a right to safety and a right to define how that will look, and these suggestions are not meant to serve as a guarantee or a direction. At The Hotline, we believe that you are the foremost expert in your situation. If you see some ideas that seem fitting and would like to expand on them, you’re always welcome to call us 24/7 or chat online between 7 a.m. to 2 a.m. (CST) to fully discuss creating a personalized safety plan.

Minimization, Denial and Blame

Minimization, denial and blame undermines the credibility and reality of battered/abused individuals. By making light of, denying responsibility for, or blaming the victim for their actions, the batterer creates an environment in which the victim’s feelings, thoughts or needs are ignored and devalued. Has or does your partner:

  • say he/she wouldn’t hit you if you hadn’t made him/her angry
  • say the abuse never happened or that it was no big deal
  • say you deserve it